More about helpful Drupal 7 modules and themes

In Drupal to the rescue article I wrote some hints how to setup Drupal 7 instance. Here I will present more useful resources that can be used to extend standard Drupal installation.

More modules I highly recommend:

  • Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation – gives better control over JS and CSS files. Adds possibility to minify all files and group then in a different way the core does it.
  • Cache Expiration – provides configurable actions upon events that will expire URLs from caches like reverse proxy caches, internal page caches, etc. This module make more sense when Minimum Cache Lifetime setting is set to a value other than none.
  • CacheFlush – the fine granularity of control over cache tables and function makes this module the ultimate tool to clear the Drupal caches.
  • Content Complete – checks the tagged fields against the content provided for those content types, and computes a complete percentage that can be shown to the user.
  • Crumbs – calculates breadcrumbs for your site. It does so by finding the parent of the current page, then the parent of the parent, etc, until it arrives at the home page.
  • Email field – this module provides a field type for email addresses.
  • Entity reference – provides a field type that can reference arbitrary entities. Depends on Enity API.
  • EU Cookie Compliance – intends to deal with the EU Directive on Privacy and Electronic Communications that came into effect in the 2012.
  • Feeds – imports or aggregates data as nodes, users, taxonomy terms or simple database records. It supports RSS/Atom feeds, CSV files and many more.
  • Feeds extensible parsers – contains a set of extensible parsers for Feeds. One of very interesting plugins is XPath Parser for parsing XML and HTML documents.
  • Feeds tamper – provides a small plugin architecture for Feeds to modify data before it gets saved. Several plugins are available by default and are described in the examples section below.
  • Field Group – groups fields together. All fieldable entities will have the possibility to add groups to wrap their fields together. Fieldgroup comes with default HTML wrappers like vertical tabs, horizontal tabs, accordions, fieldsets or div wrappers.
  • Flag Abuse – simply allows to mark any content as abuse. Depends on Flag.
  • Global Redirect – performs 301 redirects to one url of the page. Depends on Chaos Tools and Job Scheduler.
  • Google Analytics – adds tracking code for popular Google Analytics system. It supports new Universal Analytics format and async script loading.
  • jQuery Update – upgrades the version of jQuery in Drupal core to a newer version of jQuery. Max 1.10.2 at this moment, so not the latest one.
  • Link – with this module links can be added easily to any content types and profiles and include advanced validating and different ways of storing internal or external links and URLs.
  • Media – provides an extensible framework for managing files and multimedia assets, regardless of whether they are hosted on your own site or a 3rd party site – it is commonly referred to as a ‘file browser to the internet’.
  • Metatag – allows you to provide structured metadata about a website, aka “meta tags”. Depends on Chaos Tools and Token. Works also with Facebook Open Graph meta tags.
  • Memcache API and Integration – provides integration between Drupal and Memcached. Memcache backends for the following systems (all drop-in): caching, sessions and locking.
  • Redirect 403 to User Login – redirects the HTTP 403 error page to the Drupal /user/login page with an optional message.
  • Simple Google Maps – the simplest way to get a Google Map, and/or a link to a Google Map, displayed with your content. Text field with address provided is presented as map box.
  • Simplify – allows particular fields to be hidden from the user interface. This helps to de-clutter forms and present a more user-friendly experience to content editors. For instance allows to select only one text format for Body field.
  • Taxonomy display – allows administrative configurable term display pages. This allows administrators to override the default presentation of taxonomy term pages per vocabulary through the taxonomy term page’s manage display form.
  • Transliteration – converts non-latin text to US-ASCII and sanitizes file names. Works also with url paths to replace country specific characters with its equivalent. Sample: wrocław -> wroclaw.
  • XML sitemap – creates a sitemap that conforms to the spefication. This helps search engines to more intelligently crawl a website and keep their results up to date. The sitemap created by the module can be automatically submitted to Google and Bing.
  • Views – Must have. It was added to Drupal Core 8 lately. Depends on Chaos Tools.

Nice themes that work out of the box:

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